Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer, ete

Visiting Montreal always seems like returning home. Within an hour I feel like I've travelled much farther than just north of the border. Perfect croissants and true baguettes that you can never find stateside. Escaping the 4th was a joy. A short hop in the air, arriving into an empty Dorval mid-day. Taxis peel rubber into town. Metro to Peel St., just in time for lunch at Vasco de Gama cafe.

Holt's sale
YSL retrospective at the Musee Beaux Arts
LePlanete, Piccolo Diavolo, L'Indpendent dinners
Daniele Allesandrini outlet at Les Cours
Petit Italie
Milano's grocery
Jean Talon market
Vichy Homme products (unavailable in the U.S)
Provencal soap from Jean Cotiu drugstore
salmon tartare
drinking at LeStud
karaoke at Club Date
Fait accompli.

I love visiting the Jean Talon marche, one of the best outdoor-ish markets.

Summer on a plate: le jardin.


I usually don't like North American Little Italys. Montreal's feels much more authentic, with the requisite Guido-restos, but also some authentic working cafes such as Caffe Italia and Bar Sportivo. Milano's grocery is heaven. Even spotted some Napoli suede loafers in one of the local shops.

Perfect start.

Charming neighborhood streets, typical Montreal terraced duplexes. Easily liveable.

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